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Scott B. Wilson

There's one error with this post: "I say let sleeping dogs lie, and attack the real present evil in our day: the modern heresy and all of its attendant isms."

Well, perhaps not an error, but to be more precise the one's who are doing the attacking militarily now (Bush, Clinton, et al.) ARE part of the "modern problem" and all of its "isms."

I would completely agree with JMM's post though. Witness JPII's pain at seeing the evil of godless-Communism collapsing in his Catholic Poland, only to see later the void filled with western skepticism and consumerism.

Josh Montagnini

I left the modern heresy open intentionally. It includes much more than the neocons and their military attacks, even if those are most directly implicated.

The sleeping dogs are the Islamic world, if that wasn't clear.

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