I have a thesis which I would like to test with the help of this blog's authors and reader(s).
America's current two-party" system consists of one "party," the global statists. Perhaps another appellation would be more accurate, like "establishment," but you get the idea. This party has two "factions," neoconservative Republicans and socialist-liberal Democrats. This much is obvious for those with eyes to see. However, many people refuse to believe this because, as they say, "the parties are so different." I believe I have come up with a clear dividing line based on the main issue of each faction which shows their common root.
If you believe that global warming is a man-made threat and ought to be stopped by increased regulation, more government bureacracy, and global governance, you are a Democrat-statist. You would surrender your liberties to lower pollution, save the whales, and stop the ice caps from melting. You don't worry much about the war on terror or the war in Iraq, except to the extent that you might protest against it.
If you believe that "Islamofascism" is a real threat to America and/or americans, and that it ought to be stopped by increased regulation, more government bureaucracy, and global military operations or a common "North American Security Perimeter," you are a Republican-statist. You would surrender your liberties to be safe from Osama. You're not worried about global warming, except to the extent that someone tries to take away your H3.
These are your choices when you go to the polls and vote party lines, generally. There are of course squishy people in the middle, or "moderates," who perhaps are afraid of both third-world countries half a world away AND single-degree temperature increases. If you believe in neither specter, you probably don't believe in the statist solutions, either.
I believe, then, that global warming and terrorism are the primary specters conjured up to deceive people on both sides of the right-left spectrum into believing that statist solutions are necessary. This helps explain to the Fox News-watching neocon and the NPR-devoted liberal why their two parties appear so different, yet are not. Both issues are figments of the imagination, neither is more a serious, addressable threat than the other.* It is with these two wings that America flies into totalitarianism, slowly enough to avoid provoking concern, but more quickly than it seems.
A note on Abortion is warranted. This issue is used by both sides to garner support for their cause, but is not a specter. The dead babies and injured mothers are very real. This makes the establishment's use of abortion as bait all the more despicable. The left cries that abortion rights are being eroded when they really aren't, and the right promises to protect the unborn when they really have no intention of doing so. Of course, many on the right have a very strong intent to protect the unborn, but they are systematically marginalized and their influence nullified. The Partial Birth Abortion Ban, and its passage through the Supreme Court, while a "step in the right direction" is nothing more than a token, I suspect. It keeps the passionate pro-lifers supporting the neoconservative globalization machine, and not completely disillusioned. Would that they were disillusioned enough to defect or revolt!
Thankfully, Ron Paul will change much of this, whether he wins or not.
*See my earlier post, "The Threat of Islamofascism" for my position on why it is a mere specter.
Ron Paul is our last hope for liberty to reign again.
It is time for a change and it is liberty's turn.
Posted by: Al Gutierrez | November 02, 2007 at 11:16 PM